Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Blog365 - Day 2

Are we supposed to be promo-ing this Bloggie thing in our headlines? Or just do one's normal pale and wan titles? I mean, if one is participating in a whatever-this-thing-is, then doesn't one want/need to commemorate it in some way, title-wise? On the other hand, won't a solid year of Blog365-Day X, in which only the numeral changes, be just a tad, a trifle boooorrriiiinnngggg? On the one hand, one the other hand--where's that third hand when you need it.....?

This is what happens when I post at 9:15 p.m. after a full day in which I had to THINK and FEEL and BE. I have so little left to share.

Today, for example, I washed my sheets. Which seems to be a Wednesday event lately. Not for any reason that they feel sorta crummy on Tuesday night And like the Princess, I cannot abide a sorta crummy sheet.

I'd also like to share with you that today I learned, thanks to an article in the Sacramento Bee, that the majority of people only brush their teeth once a day. The majority of people are nighttime brushers, it seems, and they fling themselves out of bed in the AM and into the world without applying paste to teeth. Well, yuck. Have you smelled your breath in the morning before you brush your teeth? Talk about gag a maggot. I don't speak before I brush my teeth.

And finally, finally...finally.........................................................................................................huh?!


  1. Ugh, what a thing to learn...the only thing I do before I brush my teeth in themorning is drink an enornmous glass of water.

  2. Regarding the blog titles, I am using normal titles. I created a blog365 label that I'll apply to each post this year. I have yet to load the banner, but that's mostly because my browser objects to the banner for reasons I don't understand.

    I washed my sheets yesterday, too.

    I brush my teeth twice a day at least for exactly the reasons you specified. What is WRONG with people?



So--whaddaya think?