Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Newish Viewish - or Blogkeeping 101

I'm cleaning up the flotsam and jetsam of my blog. You know, all those bits and pieces that are no longer relevant. Like old badges from BlogHer and the like. Not that BlogHers badges are irrelevant--no, indeedy. Just that "I'm Going To BlogHer'07" is so, so over for me --and everyone else who went. I think badges should have a shelf life, don't you?

I've also removed my blogroll. I'm so uncomfortable with that BFF Today and Forever Syndrome which seems to be unavoidable with blogrolls. At least for me. Yes, I check to see if I'm on someone's blogroll. Yes, I burst my buttons when I find ByJane listed. Yes, I want to quickly put them on mine to show that we've got a mutual thing going. And, yes, I can't bear to tell this person or that one that I am no longer reading them because...well, just because. So I'm doing away with blogroll. Instead, I offer you the posts from my Google Reader, the ones I read EverySingleDayWithoutFail. This is a truer blogroll, it seems to me since it's not my entire Google reader, just the top of the milk.

I've added a new photo, my daily posting on Crafting365. I swearswearswear I'll keep it uptodate.

And tomorrow: ta dum! the new masthead. Don't get overexcited; my creativity and my ability to code are only in their infancy.

1 comment:

  1. I need to do this sooooo badly on my blog, but it always seems like something I'd rather do tomorrow...! Maybe you'll inspire me to clean up my place.


So--whaddaya think?