...and you'd think I'd have a lot to say. Which I do, but I also have one of them chest things going on--you know, a cold or pneumonia or The Influenza. I'm not sure which, but I'll let you know as it brews. I think there's a bell curve for this sort of illness (well, any sort I guess), and I'm won't know where I am in the ascent until I hit the top of the bell. This makes absolutely perfect sense to me, and seems quite pithy, but that may be the fever....
I'm supposed to leave for LA tomorrow for the second leg of my Nanny Trips. I will be taking my computer this time, so I should be better at posting. Shoulda, coulda, woulda.....
I'll leave you with a photo, one of many. A reader asked for photos of hands and feet. This bud's for you, Lady Lisa....
soooooooo sweet and deligtful...thank you and of course miss you! L