Tuesday, February 06, 2007


For no good reason. Just because I haven't felt like posting. For no good reason.

I've been reading other blogs and commenting on some of them, although I have been a tad derelict about that too. There seems to be a low-level conversation going on at the moment about this commenting thing. It's rude not to. It takes too much time to. It's a way of participating in a dialogue because bloggers blog to communicate. No, bloggers blog willy nilly of anyone being out there. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. But if I can't think of something to say...why say anything? Just to register that I've been there?

I wonder why I haven't felt like posting. Let me deconstruct this. Let me count the ways.... Let me shut up.


  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Welcome back. I'm having sort of a blogging funk right now, too, but so far it's only cut my weekly posts back, not caused me to take a break.

  2. I don't think it's necessary to comment all the time - and I don't really like to comment just to comment nor do I believe the blog authors really want this either. So. Hey, I do love to hear from others, don't get me wrong - it's the great part about blogging rather than journaling, but I'm not a needy blogger either. I don't think. Yeah I'm pretty sure

  3. I comment a lot, but only if I have something to say. Or am trying to be encouraging.

  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Hello Ms. Jane...Miss you but I too have been MIA. I have been sucked dry by others. I will get ahold of you this week. Thank you for the post...nice to know others are also MIA.


So--whaddaya think?